CJC Offline Oil Filtration

Designed To Clean Oil

Clean vs Dirty Oil: A Visual Comparison

Dirty oil cleaned by CJC offline filter

Clean oil is clear and free of debris, indicating it can properly lubricate and protect components. Dirty oil, which appears dark and murky, signals contamination and degradation, leading to increased friction, wear, overheating, and potential component failure.

Having trouble with your oil quality?

The Primary Purpose Of CJC Offline Filter

Achieving Total Oil Cleanliness

Two types of oil filters exist: Inline, removing coarse particles, and offline, offering thorough cleaning. Incorporating CJC offline filter guarantees optimal oil cleanliness, as it eliminates most contaminants, while the inline filter maintains protection.

Advanced Oil Filtration

Remove The Most Harmful Oil Contaminants

Clean and dirty offline filter inserts

CJC Filters utilize advanced technology to remove and safeguard your system from harmful contaminants like dirt, wear metals, water, varnish and degradation by-products, setting them apart from conventional oil filters. It removes a lot of them!

Experience the difference firsthand by testing CJC Filters in your system and witnessing the results. Contact us to begin your trial today!

CJC HDU Fine Filter

Suitable For 80% Of The Applications

CJC offline filter

CJC PTU Filter Separator

When You Have Issue With Continuous Water Ingress

CJC offline oil filter

CJC VRU Varnish Removal

When You Experience Severe Varnish Problems

CJC varnish removal unit

CJC Desorber

When You Have Issue With Emulsified Oil

CJC desorber water removal unit

Proprietary CJC Filter Inserts

Made From 100% Sustainable Materials

CJC offline filter inserts

CJC Filter Inserts are adept at filtering even high-viscosity oil within a compact depth filter, with ample dirt holding capacity. They excel in removing particles, water, varnish, and acidity concurrently.

With a proven track record spanning decades, CJC Filter Inserts are reliable even in the most challenging applications. They are integral to the CJC offline filtration system.

Crafted from 100% natural cellulose fibers, CJC Filter Inserts feature cellulose bonded discs sourced sustainably, free from plastic, metal, or chemicals.

Why CJC Offline Filters?

Contact us and subscribe to our newsletter to learn more why CJC filters are for you.